
learning English literature and a brief survey on history of England


learning English literature and a brief survey on history of England

December 14

After Celts, Romans were the next occupants of England. Roman Army had been fighting to Galli in France; Britons decided to help their cousins in Gaul which made the Roman leader to punish them by invading England.

Julius Caesar, the Roman leader, invaded England in 55 B.C. , but he could not occupy the island cause Briton soldiers fought bravely on the beach, and made Romans withdraw to Gaul. Caesar invaded England again in 54 B.C. Finally, Romans under Claudius could occupy Britain in 43 A.D. and romanise them.

During their 400 years ruling in England, Romans built roads, established palaces and cities, and made London a great trading centre.

Roman Army built a wall named "Hadrian Wall" in the north to defend England against the invasion of the Picts and Scots.


and photos of Hadrian Wall:



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