
learning English literature and a brief survey on history of England


learning English literature and a brief survey on history of England

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Norman castles» ثبت شده است

January 15

Previously, we saw that Normans conquered England under William. Before discussing Norman effects on English, it's good to know a little about their origin.

Normans or Norsemen were Germanic people of Denmark and Scandinavia. Normans, also Vikings, were great warriors and sea-farers. During the 9th and 10th centuries, they attacked European countries, like England. Normans were militarily three centuries ahead of England through the massive use of horses ( cavalry ) and archers against England's infantry with old-fashioned swords, axes, and spears. In A.D. 911, king of France, Charles, the Simple, asked this barbarian tribe to settle in the north of France under French rule. After that, this territory was called Normandy and its settlers as Normans. They adopted French culture, became Christians, and could achieve a high degree of civilisation. Normans had a tendency for building castles which were built by French stone masons. They, also, had a love of hunting that left some gorgeous forestry blocks and caused construction of hundreds of hunting lodges around the country.


Norman castles

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