
learning English literature and a brief survey on history of England


learning English literature and a brief survey on history of England

January 15


Titans, also known as elder gods, were giant and powerful monsters. The twelve Titans were a group of Uranus and Gaea's many children. Uranus hated his children and exiled them to Tartarus, inside Gaea. Infuriated Gaea made a diamond sickle and gave it to one of the Titans, Cronus. Cronus found his father and castrated him in his sleep. Uranus's reign ended, Cronus became the ruler.

 The twelve Titans were: Cronus, Asteria, Astraeus, Atlas, Clymene, Coeus, Crius, Dione, Eos, Epimetheus, Eurybia, Eurynome.

  • Cronus: He dethroned his father and became the ruler. His wife was Rhea. To ensure his power, Cronus swallowed his children as they were born. This made the unhappy Rhea to trick him into swallowing a rock instead of Zeus. Cronus was dethroned by Zeus and fled to Italy. He brought the Golden Age to Italy.

  • Atlas: He was the son of Iapetus and Clymene. In the war between Titans and gods, he took the side of Titans. After being defeated in the war, Zeus convicted him to stand on the western side of Gaea and hold Uranus, eternally. He was the Titan god of astronomy and navigation.


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Comments (۱)

16 February 17 ، 07:32 معلوم الحال
well done :)
it's really good that I've found an English literature student in another part of our country.


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