Today's Englishman is a descendant of different stocks, one of which are Celts:
From around 750 BC to 12 BC, the Celts were the most powerful people in central and northern Europe. There were many tribes of Celts. The word Celt comes from the Greek word, Keltoi, which means barbarians and is properly pronounced as "Kelt".
Celts discovered a new metal for making weapons,iron.That's why this period is called "Iron Age". Iron Age ended in 43 A.D , when Romans invaded Britain.
Three main Celtic tribes were:
Galli ( Celts of Gaul of France)
Gaels (Celts of Ireland)
There was a written Celtic language, but it developed well into Christian times, so for much of Celtic history they relied on oral transmission of culture, primarily through the efforts of bards and poets. Actually, much of what we know of their traditions comes through the old tales and poems passed from generation to generation orally.
Their religion was a pagan religion, and their priests were called "Druids".Druids were not only super-class priests, but also political advisors, teachers, healers, and arbitrators. They had their own universities, where traditional knowledge was passed on by rote.
The Celts lived in huts of arched timber with walls of wicker and roofs of thatch. The huts were generally gathered in loose hamlets. In several places each tribe had its own coinage system.
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